Analysis of the Effect of Website Sales Quality on Purchasing Decisions on e-commerce Websites

Deden Hardan Gutama, Izzatul Umami, Pujo Hari Saputro


Both Web-based information infrastructure and marketing activities are dealt with by business-to-consumer electronic commerce. Centered on information systems and marketing literature, this review suggests a research model to explain the effect on consumer loyalty of the dimensions of website quality (system quality, information quality, and service quality). In order to verify the validity of the calculation model, confirmatory factor analysis was performed, and the structural model was also examined to investigate the correlations hypothesized in the study model. In this study, by comparing the Hyperparameter class & Catboost class we can find a number of distributions of individual absolute errors which can be considered as a fairly important factor in the analysis of sales quality on e-commerce websites.

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CatModel, Hyperparameter, E-Commerce, Sales Quality, RMSE

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IJIIS: International Journal of Informatics and Information Systems

ISSN:2579-7069 (Online)
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