Classification of Low Birth Weight Baby Under Anthropometry uses Algorithms K-Means Clustering on Maternity Hospital

Irfan Santiko, Deni Kurniawan


LBW infants with birth weight less than 2500 grams regardless gestation period. Low birth weight is the weight of a baby who weighed within 1 hour after birth. World Health Organization (WHO) since 1961 states that all newborns are underweight or equal to 2,500 g called low birth weight infant (low birth weight). According to WHO. Statistically, morbidity and mortality in neonates in developing countries is high, with the main causes is associated with LBW. To facilitate medical personnel in determining the risk of LBW. From the testing that has been done by the author, the k-means clustering algorithm has accuracy in classifying LBW babies by spacing the proximity between variables and the similarities in the test data,

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LBW; Clustering; K-means;

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