Comparison of Cart and Naive Bayesian Algorithm Performance to Diagnose Diabetes Mellitus

Irfan Santiko, Pungkas Subarkah


Based on Indonesia's health profile in 2008, Diabetes Mellitus is the cause of the ranking of six for all ages in Indonesia with the proportion of deaths of 5.7% under stroke, TB, hypertension, injury and perinatal. This is reinforced by WHO (2003), Diabetes Mellitus disease reached 194 million people or 5.1 percent of the world's adult population and in 2025 is expected to increase to 333 million inhabitants. In particular, in Indonesia, people with Diabetes Mellitus are increasing. In 2000, Diabetes Mellitus sufferers have reached 8.4 million people and it is estimated that the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in 2030 in Indonesia reaches 21.3 million people.This allows researchers and practitioners to focus their attention on detecting/diagnosing diabetes mellitus and to prevent it because the disease can cause complications. The method used in this research was problem identification, data collection, pre-processing stage, classification method, validation and evaluation and conclusion. The algorithm used in this research was CART and Naïve Bayes using dataset taken from UCI Indian Pima database repository consisting of clinical data ofpatients who detected positive and negative diabetes mellitus. Validation and evaluation method used was 10-crossvalidation and confusion Matrix for the assessment of precision, recall and F-Measure. The result of calculation has been done, got the accuracy result on CART algorithm equaled to 76.9337% with precision 0.764%, recall 0.769%, and F-Measure 0.765%. Whilethe diabetes dataset was tested with the Naïve Bayes algorithm, got an accuracy of 73.7569% with precision 0.732%, recall 0.738%, and F-Measure 0.734%. From these results it can be concluded that to diagnose diabetes mellitus disease it is suggested to use CART algorithm.

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Abstract: 1540 Viewers PDF: 716 Viewers


Performance; Diagnosis; Algorithm;Diabetes mellitus

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IJIIS: International Journal of Informatics and Information Systems

ISSN:2579-7069 (Online)
Organized by:Departement of Information System, Universitas Amikom Purwokerto, IndonesiaFaculty of Computing and Information Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (publication issues) (managing editor) (technical & paper handling issues)

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